"Seventy percent of the books and manuscripts were damaged in the fire that engulfed the Scientific Complex on Saturday amid clashes in downtown Cairo, according to Saber Arab, head of Dar Al-Kotob and the committee formed to measure the damages."With the naked eye, I believe around 10 percent of the books are sound, 20 percent can be restored and 70 percent are totally damaged," Arab told Daily News Egypt.
Arab said they will only accept help from national bodies, such as the Ministry of International Cooperation, after they received offers from a number of different organizations and entities.
Sheikh Sultan Al-Qassimi, ruler of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, offered to pay for the restoration of the Scientific Complex.
According to Arab, Sultan added that he possesses a number of rare documents, maps and ancient manuscripts in his library that he offered to deliver to Egypt.
In a phone in on Al-Ashera Masa'an talk show, Sultan confirmed that he wants to repay part of Egypt's favors to the Arab world." (Heba Hesham / Daily News Egypt)
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